Welcome back this is Jonathan Linder and this is my CCR!! I hope you enjoy
Tuesday, April 11, 2017
Welcome back this is Jonathan Linder and this is my CCR!! I hope you enjoy
Sunday, April 9, 2017
Yesterday April 5, 2017 Andres, Austin, Harrison, and I finished filming. We went to Andres house at 7:00 P.M Austin ran a little bit late. When everyone got to Andres house we all went outside and planned how we should film the scene in the car.As we all got into the car the sun was perfect for the first scene of Brennan gazing out of the window just thinking. The second scene we got was the top of the car as we drove by, to accomplish this scene Harrison stood in a tree ,watching him get down was a sight to see. The final car scene was from a low angle of the car turning into the driveway and the kids getting out. Once we got back to the house we filmed the scene where Pablo confronts Brennan about him still being depressed. During all of these filming sessions we didn't have a tripod to film on so we came up with innovative ways to film while still having the camera stabilized.The different ways we got the camera still was by leaning it on the seat in the car, resting the camera on our leg, and we even balanced it against a tree branch. By doing this we created a shot with no movement causing the scene to look more like an actual scene in a movie rather than not like 4 kids just filming on a phone.
Finishing up
Hello I'm realllllllly busy but I'm here to check in and say we have finished editing the video and it looks soooo cool. Austin, Andres, Harrison, and I talked about this all class and we hope you guys enjoy it as much as we do. Difficulties we faced during this project was lack of communication because the three other members in my group discussed this project in english class where I wasn't. Another issue was the uncertainty among Austin even though all the other group members agreed on something he still didn't know what he wanted to do. The other difficult thing about this was filming during the right lighting.
HERE IS OUR FILM , CHECK IT OUT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DHJrMVIOTE&feature=youtu.be
HERE IS OUR FILM , CHECK IT OUT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DHJrMVIOTE&feature=youtu.be
Sunday, April 2, 2017
Today my group and I went to Markham park the "Hobo Hole" and filmed for our movie Unlaced. Overall i think i went okay but w could've filmed extra shots just so if something happened we wouldn't have to go back and film something new . Our group was suppose to meet there at 1:00 but i didn't get there till 1:20 because the directions brought me to the same place three times! When we got over to the Hobo hole I looked up and was frightened by the steepness of the rap but don't worry I eventually made it up there. Once our group figured out he filming I had to go back down to film with Harrison but there was one problem, I was afraid of heights so after countless trys and a little bit of crying i got back down the steep ramp.
While Harrison was lying down on the dirt pretending he was dead he got bit by a couple of ants which was pretty funny. The Hobo Spot wasn't too bad of a place to live if it was a last resort for living purposes.
For the opening to our film Harrison suggests we start it like The Walking Dead opening where it ends in a drum. Austin wants to do a backwards piano key so we will have to see which we go with.
While Harrison was lying down on the dirt pretending he was dead he got bit by a couple of ants which was pretty funny. The Hobo Spot wasn't too bad of a place to live if it was a last resort for living purposes.
For the opening to our film Harrison suggests we start it like The Walking Dead opening where it ends in a drum. Austin wants to do a backwards piano key so we will have to see which we go with.
Character descriptions
Howdy partners. In our film Unlaced we have four friendsBrennan, Leo , Franklin, and Pablo. In this post I will describe the Characters backgrounds and appearances.
BRENNAN: He is 18 year old student who does well in school. He is 5'9 and his friends and family care deeply about him.He is a very religious Christian. Brennan who is confused about his sexuality has a girlfriend whose name is Cassandra. In his free time Brennan plays sports with his friends.
FRANKLIN: He is an 18 year old student who loves to play with turtles and listen to music. He is 5'10 with brown hair and he is tan. He has brown eyes and is closer to Pablo than Brennan and Leo. He is a man in the Jewish community and loves partying with his friends.
PABLO: He is 18. He loves to drive and he loves to dance around anywhere he can.
LEO: Has Green eyes. He is gay and has feelings for Brennan. He is 5'6 and doesn't like to shave. He has family issues and his parents are always fighting. He is usually in his room crying and doesn't like to go outside.
I AM SO EXCITED TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE DO HAVE SOME SYBOLISM IN OUR MOVIE!! Brennan means sorrow and there is a lot of sorrow in this movie.
If you don't believe me click here >>http://www.ohbabynames.com/meaning/name/brennan/1429#.WOGrnxiZN-V
BRENNAN: He is 18 year old student who does well in school. He is 5'9 and his friends and family care deeply about him.He is a very religious Christian. Brennan who is confused about his sexuality has a girlfriend whose name is Cassandra. In his free time Brennan plays sports with his friends.
FRANKLIN: He is an 18 year old student who loves to play with turtles and listen to music. He is 5'10 with brown hair and he is tan. He has brown eyes and is closer to Pablo than Brennan and Leo. He is a man in the Jewish community and loves partying with his friends.
PABLO: He is 18. He loves to drive and he loves to dance around anywhere he can.
LEO: Has Green eyes. He is gay and has feelings for Brennan. He is 5'6 and doesn't like to shave. He has family issues and his parents are always fighting. He is usually in his room crying and doesn't like to go outside.
I AM SO EXCITED TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE DO HAVE SOME SYBOLISM IN OUR MOVIE!! Brennan means sorrow and there is a lot of sorrow in this movie.
If you don't believe me click here >>http://www.ohbabynames.com/meaning/name/brennan/1429#.WOGrnxiZN-V
Friday, March 31, 2017
Problems Problems Problems
Even though we are going with Austins idea of Drama/Mystery it is just as hard to come up with an idea as the thriller/horror genre. This week has been an interesting week for me and my group members. On Monday we went through the whole class , yet we still had no idea for a film opening. We had an idea in place where the film opening starts at Markham park with a quick wide shot of the tree line which we slowly tilt down to show a shoe sitting on the ground behind a dead body .The next scene will be a shot of our main character Brennan sitting in the car and gazing out the window while wearing dark and gloomy clothing while his two other friends Franklin and pablo are having a good time in the car while signing and dancing. Once the three boys get to pablos house Franklin says " Come on brennan get over it , it has been a week since leo died" and Brennan responses with"You don't understand how much he meant to our friendship." Brennan walks home and still depressed he takes out a picture from from under his bed and throws it against the wall while crying. Three of our group members wanted to use that idea and build off of but still one member in our group believes there is a better idea out there but we will have to wait and see because right now he doesn't have one.
On Wednesday we met in our groups and discussed our projects with our classmates , the classmates in my group really liked our idea over the thriller/horror idea. Even though Austin wasn't 100% into our gay idea we are going with it. One of my classmates suggested that we should have someone running up to the shoe in the end of the film opening to show how someone discovers the dead body and is going to try to find out what happened. They liked how the rest of our movie plot would just revolve around Brennan and how he is trying to hide the fact that he killed leo.
On Wednesday we met in our groups and discussed our projects with our classmates , the classmates in my group really liked our idea over the thriller/horror idea. Even though Austin wasn't 100% into our gay idea we are going with it. One of my classmates suggested that we should have someone running up to the shoe in the end of the film opening to show how someone discovers the dead body and is going to try to find out what happened. They liked how the rest of our movie plot would just revolve around Brennan and how he is trying to hide the fact that he killed leo.
Sunday, March 26, 2017
Beauty ad the beast!!! Suggestions for our film
Hello I just got back from watching beauty and the beast and I absolutely loved it. The mis en scene was amazing the costumes were spectacular and the songs were pretty darn cool. Even though beauty and the beast isn't a drama , I still have some cool ideas we can use in our film,
My first idea is that we should connect a name of something to another thing it means , in beauty in the beast Belle also means beauty so thats where the movie name comes from. In our movie we can have something in the car that describes how the kid died and it can be in another language so no-one understands what it means until you tell them. In our movie i also believe we should have the kids that are joyful and jubilant wear colorful clothes and the sad kid should wear black or gray to signify sadness. While the kids are in the car they should be listening to pop music , the sad kid can have head phones in while listening to songs played on the piano.
My first idea is that we should connect a name of something to another thing it means , in beauty in the beast Belle also means beauty so thats where the movie name comes from. In our movie we can have something in the car that describes how the kid died and it can be in another language so no-one understands what it means until you tell them. In our movie i also believe we should have the kids that are joyful and jubilant wear colorful clothes and the sad kid should wear black or gray to signify sadness. While the kids are in the car they should be listening to pop music , the sad kid can have head phones in while listening to songs played on the piano.
Some drama film openings
In the opening of Gone girl the director uses dark lighting and mysteriores music to help convey the message of a dramatic and spooky scene. The tone of the mans voice during the voice over is soothing yet creepy.
In both these films the color and lighting is essential in helping share the mood of the film.The music and scores of the films also have huge impacts on the emotional state of a character through a story.

Sunday, March 19, 2017
Different lighting techniques used in thriller/horror films
- Blends figure in with the background
- It creates a shadow on one side of the actor/actress
- It creates a darker atmosphere
- Distorts human face
- It creates a shadow around the eyes
- Usually used a weddings
- It is the light from below being shot upward
- It looks unnatural
Overall the lighting in horror/thriller films make us feel a bit off about something
Target Auidence
My group and I have decided to choose teens and young adults as our target auidence. we believe teens/ young adults would be a perfect choice for our horror/thriller genre because according to James Wan, the director of " the conjuring", "they’re movies that young women and men can both enjoy — presuming they both enjoy getting scared senseless." With that being said if you're a kid in high school and going on a date to the movies why don't you just get the crap scared out of you to break the ice a little.I also believe horror films are a better choice for teens than adults because adults can have heart attacks
Saturday, March 18, 2017
Our group has decided to go with the thriller/horror genre. We decided this after watching videos such as scream and nightmare on elm street.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgKukhIw5eY.In this opening of scream we really liked how the camera follows her around the house from the living room to the kitchen showing whats happening in the house. Once the blonde female gets to the kitchen the camera starts to film her starting to make pop corn as a man continue to calls her. As the temper between the voice on the phone and the female start to heat up the popcorn also begins to get heated to its full volume and begins to whistle uncontrollably. In this horror film the directer uses symbolism to show emotion and help connect the human emotions to actions around us. During the opening of nightmare on elm street the movie stars off with a person in a factory doing something with a bunch of tools. The next cut shoes a girl confused and scared wondering around the factory as the scene progresses the girl is being chased by something with metal fingers. All of the sudden the creepy background noise turns into a baby crying and the girl wakes up from her dream with 4 rips in her sleep shirt. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tn_DjzN8410.In both these horror/thriller film openings the directer starts off the film by setting off the story with suspense right away. They want the viewer to get intrigued and hooked from the beginning.
“The first monster you have to scare the audience with is yourself.” -Wes Craven
Sunday, March 12, 2017
NEW IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello guys sorry to interrupt your Sunday night but I forgot to tell you guys this yesterday. After Harrison and I took the long and stressful SAT we hung out out we were talking about possible movie ideas. In the middle of our brainstorming we came up with a pretty interesting idea, we were thinking what if the rules for the SAT state that if someone dies during the test everyone in the room gets a perfect score. They 2 minute film opening would start off with a black screen with the viewer focusing on the words that are being said which are " I Found him, he is wearing a blue shirt." The next scene will cut to a walkie talky in a kids hand and we will slowly zoom out to show the whole walkie talky. We haven't finished the thought but what we want is two kids who really want to get into college and they know they can't with there normal scores so they plan to kill one of the other students in the testing room. I know we haven't finished this idea but I wanted to keep you guys interested.
Both Film Ideas
YO YO YO if you're reading this I appreciate it , it must mean that you were intrigued by the first post so thank you! As i explained in my last blog post my group and I were deciding on a genre to do and our ideas were Comedy or Thriller . If we did a Thriller/Suspense film Harrison's idea was that the film opens with 4 teenage girl in a dark room wearing dresses , one of them which was jenny would get up and go into the kitchen to get a drink of water. When Jenny gets into the kitchen there is a loud bang and the 3 other girls ask if she is okay, Jenny would say " Yes everything is fine" and the other 3 girls would continue to look at their phones in complete silence. The next seen would be of Jenny walking into the room and sitting back down with her back towards the girls . One of the other girls sheila would start giggling and say , "OMG Jenny look what Brian posted" but there was no answer. Shelia would then say " Jenny" but still no answer , another girl Daisy pulls on Jenny arm to turn her around and a grown man would turn around with a mask on over his face. I really like this idea because this scene would represent a theme in the world right now with teens and their smart phones.Andres our other group member had another thriller idea it was about a guy who recently broke up with his girlfriend while out to getting coffee and when he gets home two men come to his door and put a bag over his head because hi Ex-Girlfriend was a drug dealer. I didn't like this idea because I though it wasn't as intense as Harrison's. For the comedy film we didn't really have an idea in place some group members were just arguing on what genre makes the most money and comedy came up as a film idea.
The Beginning . Thriller vs. Comedy
HELLO THIS IS JONATHAN LINDER!!! During these next few weeks I will be talking about how my movie project is progressing. On Wednesday my group and I were discussing what genre we should make our movie on.Two members said comedy and the other two said thriller. What we found was that Comedys highest grossing film ever was $138.4 Million while Thriller/ Action was 227.5 Million.http://www.filmsite.org/highestgrossingbygenre.html. With that being said I believe we should do a Thriller film but by the end of class no-one was really sure.
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Welcome back this is Jonathan Linder and this is my CCR!! I hope you enjoy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=048iJmSIbc0

Welcome back this is Jonathan Linder and this is my CCR!! I hope you enjoy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=048iJmSIbc0
HELLO THIS IS JONATHAN LINDER!!! During these next few weeks I will be talking about how my movie project is progressing. On Wednesday my g...
Even though we are going with Austins idea of Drama/Mystery it is just as hard to come up with an idea as the thriller/horror genre. This w...