Sunday, March 26, 2017

Beauty ad the beast!!! Suggestions for our film

   Hello I just got back from watching beauty and the beast and I absolutely loved it. The mis en scene was amazing the costumes were spectacular and the songs were pretty darn cool. Even though beauty and the beast isn't a drama , I still have some cool ideas we can use in our film,
        My first idea is that we should connect a name of something to another thing it means , in beauty in the beast Belle also means beauty so thats where the movie name comes from. In our movie we can have something in the car that describes how the kid died and it can be in another language so no-one understands what it means until you tell them. In our movie i also believe we should have the kids that are joyful and jubilant wear colorful clothes and the sad kid should wear black or gray to signify sadness. While the kids are in the car they should be listening to pop music , the sad kid can have head phones in while listening to songs played on the piano.

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Welcome back this is Jonathan Linder and this is my CCR!! I hope you enjoy